We talk a lot about eating whole and unprocessed foods.
But what does that look like as a full day of eating?
Eggs, bacon and asparagus
Fry up - done in spray oil or water - bacon, eggs, tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms - you could also add in grated sweet potato or sliced white potato.
Chicken or prawn salad
Cold roasted veg in balsamic vinegar
Raw veg, homemade humous, meat of choice and rice salad
Roast dinner - meat, veg, potatoes
Rice mixed with diced veg and meat of choice (can easily be done in spices)
Stir fry
Roast chicken, homemade oven (or air fryer) chips and any veg.
Fajitas with a lettuce wrap
Any fruit or veg
Homemade humous or guacamole with chopped veg
Apple and whole nut butter
Bare in mind it is not essential to eat absolutely no processed foods.
So your day could easily include a sandwich or a slice of bread with soup etc
Just try to keep any processed items to one a day.
And don't panic or worry if you are only managing this to a small degree.
It gets easier over time.
Be patient with yourself :)