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5 supplements we suggest checking out

The biggest health bang for your buck is a great diet filled with whole and unprocessed foods, adequate protein and lots of fruits and veg. We have discussed this in detail in previous posts. And we will always revert back to this as a baseline for health. We don't recommend trying to hit health goals via the latest supplement to hit the market.

So why a post on supplements then?

In amongst all the noise and nonsense online there are a few things we think are worth considering.

Whether or not you wish to add them into your diet will depend on personal, individual factors. Read what we have to say and see what fits for you.

Links at the bottom if you want to purchase what we use ourselves.


1. Vitamin D3

The number one supplement for anyone who lives in Scotland or in a similar climate.

And the number one supplement we recommend.

= 4000iu per day.

There are a multitude of reasons for adding Vit D3 into your diet - including supporting:

  • Your immune system

  • Bone health

  • Optimal blood flow and arterial health

  • Cognitive health

It is commonly thought that 20 mins of sun a day is adequate. However, this would involve direct sun (not cloudy) and most of your skin exposed (naked preferably!).

2. Omega 3

Every cell in your body needs omega-3s, especially the eyes and brain. Omega-3s are also important for:

  • muscle activity

  • immune function

  • inflammation reduction

  • digestion

  • fertility

  • heart health

On going research is also looking at its function in relation to:

  • Lowering risks of cognitive function problems, like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

  • Some types of cancer.

  • Age-related macular degeneration.

  • Dry eye disease.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Although we have listed this under supplements, you can get all your O3 directly from your food. We recognise many people will find this difficult though and may benefit from adding it as a supplement. Direct from food sources mostly mean - eat more fish.

This will give you the biggest dose of EPA and DHA:

  • Mackerel.

  • Wild salmon.

  • Herring.

  • Bluefin tuna.

  • Anchovies.

  • Sardines.

3. Electrolytes

Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge when dissolved in water. They are distributed via the fluid in your body and facilitate:

  • Bodies fluid balance

  • Blood pressure regulation

  • Helping with muscle contraction (heart as well).

Common electrolytes include:

  • sodium

  • chloride

  • potassium

  • magnesium

  • calcium

There is much debate about the amount of electrolytes needed for each individual. we use them during and after training. They may be needed more for individuals with a particularly 'clean' diet that is mostly meats, fruits and veg.

4. Protein Powder

It will always be better to consume your protein via food sources, but we appreciate how challenging this is for many people. And so protein powder can feature in order to make up the deficit from food sources.

It comes in two forms now, so if you have a dislike for the traditional 'milk shake like powder' then you might get on better with clear protein that comes as a powder that dissolves like 'juice'.

It is an essential macronutrient and adequate amounts are advised in order to:

  • Be satiated

  • Support muscle mass

  • Supports bone and tissue growth and repair

5. Collage Peptides

Another way to get a little more protein in in a day is via collagen powder.

It is worth noting that collagen is an incomplete protein and as such cannot be used as a majority of protein intake in a day. But as a scoop in your coffee to make sure you have protein at breakfast, it could be ideal.

Collagen may improve skin health, however more research still needs to be done.

Honourable mention to Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is the most researched supplement out there.

Popular and effective for enhancing exercise performance.

The benefits of creatine include:

  • Healthy aging*

  • Improved brain function*

  • Improves fitness performance by keeping your muscles fuelled with energy and thus adding potential to increase strength.

  • May help with Parkinson's disease*

*More research on things that are not training related but could be potential benefits needs to be done. It is well considered in the fitness community that there is improved brain function.

3-5g per day.


Links to possible products.

if purchasing other brands please check labels/quantities on the vitamin D3, Omega 3 and electrolytes to match the quantities in these products. Often times the reason an item is substantially less cost is because the quantities of the essential elements are not there.

This is not really an issue with protein and creatine, just make sure the protein doesn't have a ton of extra stuff in it and the creatine is monohydrate.

Protein Powder (Whey) -

Protein Powder (Vegan) -

Creatine Monohydrate -

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Unknown member
Aug 12, 2023

Great info! I will check these out X Still a bit reluctant about protein powders but I can see the benefit....gonna see how I can improve my macros!! 💫

Aug 12, 2023
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What is your reluctance with protein powders?

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